Sunday, March 27, 2016

Week 11 Report & Reflection

Dear fellow classmates:

This week has by far been the my favourite week till date. This week I explored a webcasting tool. I explored one online platform also known as SoundCloud. SoundCloud is a global online audio distribution platform that enables the user to upload, record, promote, share and also enjoy audio created by other users for free. Im very familiar with SoundCloud but not really with the recording feature of the online tool. I personally have always used SoundCloud for listening to music. I was asked to create a podcast of one important thing I have learnt throughout the duration of this course. SoundCloud is a very simple and user friendly tool to use. By using SoundCloud, the user is able to create recordings into an mp3 by just a click of a button. There is absolutely nothing complicated about this online tool. After the recording is uploaded, the user has the option to upload a jpeg picture to go with the recording as well. I officially just created my first podcast and it was honestly a great experience. You can take a look at my first podcast right here PODCAST

This specific tool will contribute to my work in building knowledge as I can expand on a diverse way of learning and creating. With various webcasting tools such as SoundCloud, studying becomes effortless. By using SoundCloud, its a great way to study as you can record your notes and lectures and hear them later on. This makes it very convenient to take notes and study for exams.

I would personally add SoundCloud to my PLE under the sub category Creates, as this is a creative tool. I would use this online tool for various academic purposes. Due to the fact that SoundCloud is also linked to various social network platforms such as Twitter, Gmail and much more, it makes it very easy for the user to share their work.

This week I also learnt that when creating work online, it is very important that we apply a Creative Common License to all the work that you produce. I had to create a Creative Common License for the this online blog. It is very important that we always give credit for others work, but it is normal that we usually forget. We as digital citizens must know the rights and responsibilities to what is wrong and right in order to develop and produce and positive digital footprint. With the correct knowledge that we obtain from this course, we should be able to understand and make the digital world a safer place to be.

This week on Feedly, I came across a very interesting article about SoundCloud. Introducing SoundCloud Go ; SoundCloud has introduced a new feature to their online platform also know as SoundCloud Go. SoundCloud Go is essentially the same as SoundCloud with an expanded catalog of tracks that are new to the platform, new features and new functionality. Visit the link to learn more about SoundCloud Go.

Thank you,
Suwattzen Nithiananthan

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