Sunday, March 27, 2016

Week 9 Report & Reflection

Dear fellow classmates:

Week 9 has come to a great end. Three more week to go and I will be an expert in Digital Context. This week we were introduced to a very interesting and unique tool called VoiceThread. This tool allows you to share and comment your thoughts to other users. VoiceThread is a very efficient way to work on projects and presentations in a group as you can share and get feedback from you peers instantly. This is most helpful for teacher and instructors as VoiceThread is perfect for presentation as it engages everyone within the presentation. Some students may be shy to contribute their ideas, and VoiceThread makes it easy for everyone. It is important for teachers to engage the whole classroom and get everyone to participate, VoiceThread is a great tool to make everyone participate with ease.

VoiceThread can possibly help me in becoming a positive digital citizen. This week we were asked to comment on at least three slides on the VoiceThread and our comments and ideas contributed to the importance of digital rights and responsibilities. I personally would not ad this to my PLE as this is not a tool I would use to benefit my academics. If I were to add this tool, it would be included under the sub category Collaborative as it is a collaborative tool. I prefer Google Docs over VoiceThread as it is more on a professional base and it is easier to use. Also, since I already have a gmail account, everything would be automatically synced in one place. Check out my post to learn more about Google Docs below.

As I was going through my weekly Feedly review, I came across a very interesting article regarding VoiceThread. New Direct, Private and Threaded Comments ; VoiceThread has recently released three new commenting features for VoiceThreaders to now use. Now instructors can reply directly to students, give private feedback or enable threaded conversations on their content. VoiceThreaders now have the option to send direct comments, private comments to the user and last Threaded comments so it public. Visit the link to learn more.

Thank you,
Suwattzen Nithiananthan

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