For this week’s learning activity, we explored some podcast tools and I chose to create a podcast through SoundCloud. SoundCloud allows you to create, upload and share your own soundtracks. Learning how to use this tool was very simple as it was just one click of a button to record yourself. However, the process of actually speaking to my laptop was more difficult than I thought it would be. I had to record myself numerous amount of times to get a recording that I was satisfied with and it made me realized that this a skill that is not easy to practice but is very important to do so. It can help with one’s communication with interacting with others and just getting your thoughts and opinions across in the right way. By listening to yourself, your mistakes are much more noticeable; it can be your tone of voice that can give out the wrong message or even the hesitation in your voice that can make you seem not confident with what you are saying. Not only is this a great way to develop and practice your speaking abilities but it can come into great use for academic purposes. You can use podcasts to record lessons or presentations and share it online which is very convenient.

This podcast cool can greatly contribute to my digital literacy and expand my digital footprint. Listening to recordings online can be a great way to learn and study and everyone should explore and be open to different ways of learning because you will never know how effective it can be if you haven’t tried it. For example, some people study by rewriting their notes and other may study by listening to lectures. So recording notes can be a great way to study and podcast tools such as SoundCloud would be perfect for that!

I have created my first podcast with SoundCloud and I talk about what I believe is the most important thing about being a digital citizen. 

Thank you,

Suwattzen Nithiananthan 

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