Saturday, April 2, 2016

Week 12 Report & Reflection

Dear fellow classmates:

We have finally come to an end. This is officially my last post, and this wonderful course ADED 1p32 is coming to an end. I have personally learned so much as far as building a positive digital footprint and also being a positive digital citizen. Throughout this course, I was learning a new tool every week and trying to apply that tool to my life whether it would be academics or ever personal. Every single tool that I have learned throughout the duration of this course has benefitted me one way or the other and will have a positive effect in my life. This blog will not be like others, I will be talking about how this course has benefitted me as a person and how it has made me a digital citizen.

Building a digital footprint is very crucial and personally before I started this course, I didn't even know the importance of having a digital footprint. During my younger years, I personally never really understood the serious of the digital world. I would use the online world to connect with my friends and watch video and such. As I started getting older, I started to realize that there was more to the digital world then just connecting with people and playing games. As a second year University student,  and currently in the stages of building my resume and work experience, I realize how important it is to have a positive digital footprint. To illustrate, you can even be the most qualified candidate for a job, but if you have have a negative digital footprint, that could be a reason for you not getting the job that you always wanted. Having a digital footprint can be the reason to you either receiving a job or potentially even loosing that job. Expanding and contributing to your footprint in a positive way will always benefit you. Be sure to always be respectful and responsible when you're online and also think twice before posting anything online because it may reflect on you in a negative way. Creating a positive digital footprint will have a positive effect on being a digital citizen.

For anyone who still doesn't understand the importance of creating a positive digital footprint, I personally recommend exploring the digital world, because theres way more to it than just the social aspect of it. Follow blogs such as mine, that educate viewers on the online world. You can also search up what right and wrong when it comes to creating a positive digital footprint online. ADED 1P32 was a great course that taught me alot that I will personally carry on in my life and will have a positive effect on me as a person.  I hope throughout my blog, I have taught you guys and inspired you guys to be digital citizens.

Good luck to all my fellow classmates, and good luck on your exams

Thank you,
Suwattzen Nithiananthan

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