Sunday, March 27, 2016

Technology Use Scenario #15

Max is always on the computer. Except when he is at school, Max is on his social networking sites, video sites, or just surfing websites. He communicates with many people using his social networking sites or texting, but rarely leaves the house. His mother is becoming concerned that he is not seeing his friends or going out. What should Max's mother do?

In the scenario above, it illustrates a young boy named Max who is not showing understanding the importance of digital health and wellness. In this specific situation, Max is spending all of his time on his computer, and there are many issues regarding this. Computer and related electronics are good once in a while; using the computer to talk to friends and surf the net is perfectly fine, however, you shouldn't dedicate all your time to just that. Sitting in front of a screen all day results in no physical activity, which end in a sudden increase in body weight. Furthermore, various studies prove the sitting in front of a computer for over a certain amount of time, decreases you memory and slows down your brain. Also, you may think sitting in front of a computer makes you more productive, but in reality it lowers your productivity. This is because, sitting for long periods of times causes fatigue and can trigger mood disorders such as stress and depression. It is perfectly normal for teenagers such as Max to spend time on the computer, however they should start spending their time on more important things. Max needs to take a break, and start doing activities that are physical and healthy to a growing boy like himself. It is vital to always have the perfect balance between social and physical activities. Max's mother should set a specific time every day for Max to get off the computer and go out and spend some time with friends. She should encourage him to join clubs and sport teams to interact with others and get to know the world more.

This week as I was exploring my feedly, I came across an article that ties in perfectly to this scenario: Obsessing over the perfect social media post is ruining your life. It talks about how people are more consumed about posting the perfect picture rather than enjoying the moment.

Thank you,

Suwattzen Nithiananthan

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