Thursday, February 11, 2016

Week 5 Report & Reflection

Hello fellow classmates:

Week 5 has already come to an end. These weeks are just flying by. This week we learn what and how to build a (PLN). Personal learning network is a learning network that consist of people that derive knowledge from a personal learning environment. The first step I took in building my PLN was to create a Twitter account. I personally have never used twitter, so this was a very new and interesting experience. Twitter is an online social platform which allows the user to send and read short messages also known as "tweets". Twitter is a great platform to start building you PLN by tweeting message, posting pictures, and direct messaging people. You can use hashtags and form groups while tweeting. Since I never had a twitter account, this experience was very new to me. I realized that twitter has many benefits such as always
being connected to the real world. Twitter is a great way to give you an outlet to many things. Also Twitter is an amazing way to build a network whether it be school or work related. One main benefit is, Twitter can be used to build and upgrades ones PLN; its a great outlet to learn about interesting information, learn about their idols, stay updated on current world news and and market various businesses. Twitter can never get boring!

I have built my PLN in many different ways using Twitter. I started off by creating my own twitter account and uploading a profile picture of myself. Then I started tweeting messages with the hashtag #ADED1P32 following it. The use and importance of a hashtag followed by a tweet is to connect with a specific group that your tweet is related to. This is a very effective and fun trend to use to build your PLN. Twitter is one social network I would recommend for everyone because it has many benefits. Despite all the benefits, Twitter is a fun way to entertain yourself and not see time go  by...

Twitter will be included in my PLE diagram under the sub category Connect as this social network serves to connect and build a personal network. Through my Twitter account, I have reached out to many of my group member and classmates. With Twitter, by just a click of a button, I will learn so much about my classmates. Week 5 has been very interesting, and has had a positive impact in my digital literacy and digital footprint. Twitter is one tool I will use in my day to day life.

As I was going through my daily Feedly review, I came across an article Twitter Related.
"Making Customer Service Even Better on Twitter" Twitter has recently introduced two new told to help businesses provide even better service to their customers service on twitter. Twitter is already an amazing platform for marketing businesses. Many advertisers state that over 80% of the inbound customer service request occur on twitter. Twitter makes it more convenient for customers to online shop. One new tool twitter introduced is called "Tweets to Direct Message" This tool allows customers to have a private conversation with businesses. The way this tool works is, a normal tweet to a business can now transition into a private channel where personal information is then required. That transition is as easy as a single click. A business can now add a link to their tweets that automatically displays a call to action button which now allows customers to send the business direct personal messages. The other tool that Twitter has introduced is called "Customer Feedback". This tools enables the user to privately share their opinions with a business personally. This gives the the business and customer to build a personal relationship. Twitter has received many good reviews regarding these two new tools and continue to currently keep it.

Follow me @NSuwattzen
Thank you,
Suwattzen Nithiananthan

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