Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 3 Report & Reflection

Hello fellow classmates:

As I stated on my last post, we were introduced to a new platform called Feedly where we mange RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Feeds. RSS can be used in various ways to connect distributions, it's most widespread usage is in distributing news headlines on the web. RSS is a platform the contains  content from news articles to blog entries to almost anything! However; not all websites are compatible with RSS.

One interesting article I came across while exploring Feedly was 7 Reason Why Students Need Technology This article talks about how the students of the twenty first century are at a huge advantage with technology. Due to the technology growing day by day, the future for education looks very bright. The younger generation can make use of more learning tools than ever before and endless information from various databases. From smart phones to the internet, theres various resources can enhance learning in the classroom and the knowledge of the future generations to come. This article states seven ways why technology is vital for student through Engaging, Practical, Transferable, Self-development, Knowledge, Convenience and Safety.

RSS is growing platform that delivers fast feeds on everything. The huge benefit to RSS is the individuals can chose content of interest, having full control of the flow of information that they receive. If the quality of the content isn't in their interest, users can simply remove the feed from their RSS. The RSS reader act as an aggregator, this allows the user to view and and roughly go over multiple content in a timely fashion.

Feedly is one platform that I should add to my PLE diagram that I created in week 2. Although Feedly is a tool used to search various content, I would personally use it to connect my RSS Feeds to my Feedly so I can view content later on in the future.

Thank you,
Suwattzen Nithiananthan

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