Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week 2 Report & Reflection

Hello fellow class mates:

Week 2 has come to an end. I can't believe that week two is already over, feels like the course just started. This week we looked at personal learning environments(PLE); the importance of PLE's and how it relates to us. Also got to explore and learn about two sites, (to make a PLE) and (to make a word cloud).

Where am I headed? 
In 5 to 10 years from now, I see my self as a Accounting major Brock University Graduate, with a related job to my degree. I see myself working in the finance department of a bank or and private firm dealing and building new relationships with current and new clients. After working a couple years, I would like to return back to school to complete my MBA and hopefully obtaining the same job I left. Slowly work my way up the ladder and plant a manager position of a department. Also on the side, I would like to get a real-estate license and work as a property manager on the side. Invest in sever small properties and manage them to potential renters.

Where am I now? 
I am currently a second year Accounting major student attending Brock University; Goodman School of Business with only two more school years to go. I attend school for eight months every year, and work at a bank as a part time summer coop student. One major difference I personally will see in my self is not being in school anymore. In the future, I see my self as a more confident and humble individual. Usually I tend to get nervous and am very scared to try new things.

Changes In My Learning Environment: 
In order to achieve my goals and get to where I want to be, I need to make a few changes with my work ethic. I need to work and improve my communications skills, I personally feel like this blog is a good way to improve that skill.
Nithiananthan, S. (CC) 2016.
As you can see, the following is my personal learning environment. I use many application to assist me while I create, connect, organize and collaborate. My PLE will always be changing; I have a few new tools that I have added. As it was stated in the presentation by Steve Wheeler, my PLE is "just for me"; its a platform I use to help me in my daily learning activities. Every person has a different PLE according to their personal interest and thats what makes this while concept unique and interesting.

One of the tools I experimented with this week is the word cloud tool Wordle.  I noticed when I entered my first week’s blog that I tend to repeat the topic of my blog throughout the post.  Last week in particular was the term "digital footprint".  As you can see below are the largest words in the word cloud indicating the most frequently used words.  I have also noticed this week that I keep saying PLE over and over.  I suppose when you are talking about something, you are going to keep mentioning it throughout your report. 

Week 2 has finally come to an end. I am looking forward to week 3. I hope I inspired my fellow classmates with the material I learnt this week.

Suwattzen Nithiananthan

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